Resource Pack crashing you? Picture Tutorial

Discussion in 'Help' started by No No (--o ._.)--o, Sep 22, 2017.

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  1. No No (--o ._.)--o

    No No (--o ._.)--o New Member

    Sep 22, 2017
    If u are experiencing Crashed or a message saying "Failed to load resource pack" or something like that this is the tutorial for you.

    Step 1. Add more ram to minecraft.

    To do this you go to your minecraft launcher and on the top bar press "Launch Options" and then activate advanced settings.
    Launch options.png

    now when you have done that you go to your minecraft launcher profile and click on it.
    (I am using optifine but you can use whatever you want)


    now when you are in the profile go to JVM arguments and activate it, when you have done that go to where it says -Xmx1G and change the 1 to whatever number you want to. It is not recommended to have higher ram than ur computer can handle.

    Step 2. Remove your Server-Resource-Pack files

    Press Windows Key + R to open "Run" when run is open type %appdata% and press enter, when that is done go to your .minecraft folder and go in to the folder called server-resource-packs
    when that is done highlight all files in there (can be done by either dragging your mouse in the folder or holding control and clicking them one by one) once all files are highlighted right click and then click remove/delete files.

    Your folder will have more files than mine but I just removed my files so I have none.

    Attached Files:

  2. No No (--o ._.)--o

    No No (--o ._.)--o New Member

    Sep 22, 2017
    if this doesnt work uninstall minecraft and install it again.