I had some questions as to the properties of the Pokemon in the Skyblock mode. While the descriptions are decent, this'd be a lot easier to figure out with some listing, either in game or on the forum, of the technical aspects of each Pokemon instead of the flavor text repeated over and over again. Does Houndour only work on the animals listed or can they work on animals like cows and pigs? Do Chikorita and Bulbasaur work on saplings? What does Magikarp actually do? As previously stated, this is just to clear up some of the vagueness of the descriptions of the Pokemon. Thanks in advance!
Just to answer your questions in format Does Houndour only work on the animals listed or can they work on animals like cows and pigs? Yes on any animals Chickens pigs cows horses etc Do Chikorita and Bulbasaur work on saplings? Chikorita only replanted seeds,carrots,potatoes Not trees saplings Bulbasaur works on tree saplings and crops Also to replant trees evolve Scyther What does Magicarp Do? They spawn in squid and guardians Gara evolve form of magicarp will kill them also as well as spawn (What I know of)