Thinknoodles and Thyxcya

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Larzrum, Jan 27, 2018.

  1. Larzrum

    Larzrum Member

    Apr 1, 2017
    I saw someone requesting to get more YouTubers on here. At first, I thought it was a bad idea. Since just about every one I saw gets free eggs and does six egg openings and then battles. Which is pretty boring to watch.

    Then I thought about Youtubers like SystemZ and HeyImLee who just play on the server and is fun to watch. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be playing on the server today.

    So I thought I would suggest getting Thinknoodles. Who has already did a showcase video of the server and even did a Pokewars episode. He has a decent amount of subscribers. So I think if you get him on here to play the game. Like, go around catching Pokemon and Grinding. I think it will help the server. Since we need more Youtubers you will just play the server and not just have every episode egg openings.

    Also get like Thyxcya to come on here too. Since they are both really good friends. I wouldn't mind seeing them after grinding do a battle once in a while. Now that type of battling is fun to watch since it shows the hard work they put into their Pokemon.