When I'm trying to catch a pokemon in deeper water and it uses an ability that causes it to sink below the surface of the water (often a healing/resting ability), I am UNABLE to catch it...because the poke balls do NOT connect with the pokemon. They are thrown through the pokemon and sometimes land very, very far away (past the battle's limited area of movement), and are sometimes lost in the dark water. I've tried throwing the poke balls at the spot where the pokemon is resting on the bottom and the balls do NOT land where it is at, but sometimes are very far away and nowhere near that spot. I've also tried throwing the poke balls at the spot where the pokemon Should be (where it started the battle), on the surface of the water where it's name tag/health bar still show. I've lost my chance at some of the more rare wild pokemon due to this issue. When you are in the water, you can't accesss your bag without sinking, and that also causes water battles to be a lot of hassle & it's aggravating to try to click quickly while trying to stay at the surface to see the health bars during the battle. Also, since you can't click on your pokemon's abilities without sinking, it often causes battle time outs since it's a hassle & takes longer to click what you want, you have no time to read the ability details, so if you use a new pokemon, you click blindly in a hurry, or let yourself sink. It's even more annoying if you are trying to capture the pokemon and the poke balls are going miles away, through the pokemon etc. These issues with water battles have also caused me to lose poke balls, where I've spent 10 minutes swimming all over trying to recover them. I never use any higher poke balls during my water battles anymore, because so many end up permanently lost in the water, often nowhere near the battle area. Today for example, 10/1/17 around 10:30-11:00 pm CST I lost at capturing my first Slowbro with this water battle/poke ball not connecting issue.
To get around this problem, I held a Pokeball in my hand and purposely hand threw the ball from above the Pokemon aiming at where I see it, down onto of it and it hits the Pokemon, this gets around it for me.
Thanks JazzCat_4TW. I've tried throwing poke balls from different positions and directions but so far I've just not been able to get them anywhere near the pokemon... I've even stood on the pokemon and threw the poke balls straight up, hoping that way it would be hitting the spot where the name tag/health bar remained, and also as it fell back down (if it didn't work with the name tag connecting), that it would hit the pokemon on the bottom of the deeper water...but it still hasn't worked. I know that some water is way too deep, and the distance between the pokemon on the bottom and it's name tag are too far for a poke ball to even be thrown. It would be nice if we could hover on the surface during a battle AND have poke balls connect to the name tag if the pokemon fell to the bottom when using it's ability (or if they fixed this so they NEVER sink to the bottom)!!