Hello! I am the owner of the account 'Muk' on Minecraft and it has come to my attention that I am not able to buy things on the store for your server due to "too many charge backs." I am the new owner for this account so I was not aware of any charge backs on any server. It also came to my attention that the account is not banned from your server. So the previous owner never charged back on this server. Long story short, I am not able to buy anything on any server that uses Buycraft because the account's "chareback rating is high enough to set off most store's risk settings" which basically blacklists me from buying anything on all servers that use Buycraft. I have contacted Buycraft via Twitter and they told me that I need to request to be whitelisted before I can purchase anything. So I am emailing support to ask to be whitelisted so I can purchase things from the shop. This is something that is very frustrating to me becuase I will have to do this for all servers that use Buycraft. It would mean a lot to me if you would whitelist me so I can show my overall support for the server. Thank you for your time and please get back to me!
I don't think pokefind can get involved as it's a buycraft thing. Untill it is sorted out with buycraft you'll have to wait
See that's the thing, I reached out to Buycraft and they replied to me saying these two things, "I'm afraid that any bans on any of the stores we support are managed by our customers and not us. If they would like you to be able to purchase then you can request that you are added to their chargeback whitelist." So I explained that I wasn't aware of the stores that the account charged back on and they replied with this, "If the accounts chargeback rating it high enough to set off most store's risk settings then you would need to request that they whitelist you before you can purchase. We do not alter chargeback payment history." This is very frustrating because I now have to request to be whitelisted in order to buy anything on any of the servers that use Buycraft.
Hey Muk, I gave one of our owners this post to look at so once they have some time they should be able to figure out a solution to this issue. If you would like to speed up this process I suggest PMing MCFinest_Danny#2208 on discord.