Whenever I try to buy a rank, I go to the store, put in my Username and when I try to purchace a rank, it says Elite Trainer ** Ranks have recently been changed to comply with Mojang EULA ** You're not allowed to purchase this item. I don't know why this is please help
Hey Jackey, did you do any refunds before, that can possibly ban u from using the store? or that’s your first time buying a rank, also can you buy other items or it’s just the ranks that you can’t buy?
I have never bought anything before , and yeah I can’t buy anything. When I tried another friends name though I could
Okay, So Usually that happens when someone charges back which he then gets banned from using the store, but since that is your first time buying anything from the store I would really recommend emailing [email protected] with your IGN and explain to them the issue you are having and hopefully they will help you <3