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Hello I am a small youtuber with about 1200 followers and I post minecraft stuf I love playing on your server and I would like to show my viewers evrything about your server I would love to get some eggs so I could show my viewers what they are like 1 of eatch would be more than apreciated my ingame name is Jents and I useally play on lobby 21 Thank you allot signed, Jents i am fom Australia to
hi, i'v bought an expert trainer on 28 March and i still don't have it could u help me, username is the same btw :)
Hi, my charmeleon was upgrading to a level 21 and the game deleted my move dragon rage and put scary face by itself can u fix pls. User name is BossLegend10
hi, i bought 3 rare eggs and it took the money but after half an hour and 5 relogs i still recieved nothing. Please help me fix this, thanks (mc user is TheZacAttack123 if that is needed)
what has happened to my game. i can go on other servers but when i go on it waits for a bit saying logging in and then says connection lost timed out. what should i do?
hi, please can you help me i'v been banned because my name is Kinkys_Army i don't know why, this player who banned me told me it a curse. pls help me i didnt know and to be honest i picked up the name because it sound cool, i don't know what kinkys_army mean hahaha please help me if you can i really enjoying playing this game thanks .
hi i cant make a ban report :/ so i msg you. X_PiggyPvP_X just scammed me i got some photo proof: he would give me 1 stone and a golem for a snorlex and he trade the snorlex and golem and he left without giving me the stone. Greetings, BeeGamer773
I got banned on the server named pokefind because of my name. My name is GoldenDickk because i got hacked. Eugh #1.7 pvpcommunity i have to wait 3 days before i can chage it but im permantly banned... Im level 15 so i have inserted many hours of playing, This awesome game Also i can not post on the ban appeal forrum thats why im sending you a message. Greetings, Aron