Pretty basic an simple thread. How to format the Nickname: When using colors and text formats to customize your Pokemons nickname, you must put the corresponding color/text format at the beginning of each section you wish to apply that to. Also note that if you wish to use both a color and a format, you must put the color first, or else the text format will not work. Also when changing the color or format, you must always start again with the desired color/format. Here are some examples: -Pokemon Nickname colors/format: All Bold with Half Red, Half Blue, Name-BruceLee -What you will type In-game: /nickpoke &4&LBruce&1&LLee Another example: -Pokemon Nickname colors/format: Half Bold, Half Underlined with Gold, Green and Black, Name-ThorTheDestroyer -What you will type In-game: /nickpoke &6<hor&A<he&0&NDestroyer -One more example: -Pokemon Nickname colors/format: Normal text, all rainbow (Red,Yellow,White,Green,Purple,Black,Gold,Pink Name-Skittles -What you will type In-game: /nickpoke &CS&Ek&Fi&At&5t&0l&6e&Ds I hope this has helped Here is all of the basic Colors and Text formats: &0 BLACK &1 Dark Blue &2 Dark Green &3 Dark Aqua &4 Dark Red &5 Dark Purple &6 Gold &7 Grey &8 Dark Gray &9 Indigo &A Green &B Aqua &C Red &D Pink &E Yellow &F WHITE &M STRIKE THROUGH &N Underlined &L Bold &K RANDOM (Flashing Text) &O Italic
The random character one is &k but that would not work for Pokémon Nicknames, although you can use this for Welcome Signs in Skyblocks