Staff, I very like the server, But sometimes im very bored cause you are doing the same thing, Cathing pokemons, Leveling it, and evolve it. It would help if you guys make side Quest's like : A mother lost here child in Coast city, Find her child in Coast City and earn 1 token Or Save a girl from a Pokemon, defeat the pokemon to earn 2 tokens Also if staff is going to make this concept, Make that you can unlock some Quest at a Trainer lvl, Example: A Trainer Lvl 20 Is doing a Side Quest and activate the Quest at a NPC in a town ( Make in every Town a NPC that can activate the Quest ) And a Lvl trainer 10 want to do the Quest too, but it cant activate the Quest cause He is a too low trainer lvl. Also make Quest's with diffrent difficulty, Example: Easy Normal Hard. you earn bigger rewards at Hard side Quest than Easy Side Quest. You could also make a special Quest for only ranked players, Like pro could do 3 Extra Quest's and Legendary have acces to every Side Quest's It Would be nice if u make this concept, I think it will improve the server much. Greeting, Just_Timmeh