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Hello! I have been looking at buying Legend rank, and I'm having trouble choosing my Legendary because I don't know what they look like on here....
1) Slightly increase the spawn rate for shard chests, and perhaps for rare Pokemon like Eevee and Dratini, too. I went back pretty far into the...
This suggestion came to my mind just now... Say for example you are trying to sort out the inventory of your rhyhorn, but the rhyhorn is still...
Hoi i wanted to suggest we add iron golems to pokers who might be A golem or Gyreados Plz tell me what you think :3
I posted this in the Discord server earlier, but I completely forgot the forums existed. I'm posting it here too to get more attention and get...
Gonna go straight to the point. Two things that can be changed in Skyblock. 1. Add a CombatLog plugin. Combat Log plugin is basically...
Hello everyone! Today I have some suggestions for the pokemon servers! Part 3 All these suggestions came from the community itself. I took some...
Hello everyone! Today I have some suggestions for the pokemon servers! Part 2 All these suggestions came from the community itself. I took some...
Some of these may have already been suggested for the Pokefind-Pokemon world but here I go anyway: Allow shinies to spawn in the wild; this...
I've been thinking about it, and in my opinion it's a pretty good suggestion. My idea is to add a command like /server Kyoto-1 or /server Jataro-1...
1.Backpacks are one of the most important factor to pokemon because it allow players/trainers to hold more items that they want to keep instead of...
Hey, this are someone suggestions by players! Please vote on the once you like and maybe we can get some of them. Its just a small list of them :D...
With gen II hopefully coming out soon, new starters are gonna be coming with it. I'm assuming they will be another option to choose from at the...
There are some things that need to be added or changed on this server and here are some of my suggestions: 1.Silk touch NEED to make you able to...
- EU Servers Really simple, just servers in the EU region for EU players, because playing with a little bit of ping can actually get annoying...
Hey! I got some suggestions I want to share with you! 1. Gyms Create a way to check in which gym your Pokemon is. When you want to trade your...
Problem: Whenever you release pokemon in your PC it automatically closes the entire PC, meaning you have to open the PC again if you are trying to...
Staff, I very like the server, But sometimes im very bored cause you are doing the same thing, Cathing pokemons, Leveling it, and evolve it. It...
1. HMS and TMS 2. More pokemon items like exp share, zinc, calcium, etc 3. NPC trainers? Is it possible? 4. Ability to mount pokemon after HMS...
I think they should add TM discs to add on Pokémon. List of tms down below This would be good to add when flying and riding Pokémon is added...