This happens to me twice I had my Charizard to level 57 but it turned back to 54 over and over again and my ign is Zerceus
Could you explain where you on server 1? What did you do to make it reset you, anything specific? Could you provide details or screenshots?
I was on Server 2 and I relog because I was lagging hard. This is my stats and pokemon after the bug happened and I also lost my team I was Team Valor.
Is that all the information you can provide? Not quite sure what we can do to help, but feel free to message dmatias7 on Discord.
I was playing last night and found pikachu and nidoran and a few other pokemon. I also leveles up my Charmeleon to lvl 24. The server crashed and when i logged on today, The pokemon i found were gone. Also my Charmeleon is back to lvl 19. Please fix this, i feel like i dont wanna really play anymore cause i made a lot of progress just for it to be lost
Can you, in any way shape or form provide a little information. What server where you on before roll back, and what server after roll back. Do you have any eggs (Pokémon that you got from eggs) Where you doing anything in particular. Where you switching servers a bunch? Anything else that can be helpful? Also - message ProfessorHemlock, Aaron, or dmatias7 on Discord. They will be able to further assist you.